Hi everyone, well I thought this would be the easiest way to keep everyone updated. Especially you mom, now you can check this whenever you want and you wont feel like your missing a thing.
Monday, June 22, 2009
First Bike Ride
Tonight Brodie rode on his first bike, and Joe got to use his Father's Day present. We weren't sure how he would like it, but he loved it. This kid is fearless!

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Put me in the ZOO
Yesterday, Brodie had his first follow up appointment since surgery. They removed all the stitches, and he had an EKG, ECHO, and X-Rays done. Everything looks great, also Brodie has gained 14oz. since surgery. That is the most weight gain he has ever had. He now weighs 13lbs 14oz. I think he is about to go through a big growth spurt now that his heart isn't working as hard. After his appointment we took him to the Philadelphia zoo.
Brodie's favorite nurse, Miss Pam
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I love Cake
Today was my birthday, and my two wonderful guys spoiled me all day. This morning I got to open my presents. I got a gift certificate for a massage from Brodie and a bike and some really cute shirts from Joe. I don't think he knows about my history of bicycles, or he would have included a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, shoulder pads, you get the point. Joe Also made me a birthday cake, and Brodie and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you honey for my wonderful birthday, I love you.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The Recovery
Brodie has been recovering so fast, it's amazing. We got released from the hospital on Tuesday and are just laying low at home. He is pretty much back to normal, and really doesn't seem to be in any kind of pain. My mom flew in on Saturday to spend a day with us before she had to go back to Florida, thanks mom. We miss you already.
Two days after surgery, he was pretty swollen
Friday, June 5, 2009
I want my mama!!!
Brodie has screamed his way out of ICU and into mommys arms. All night last night and all morning he screamed out "mama, mmyy mmmaaammmaa" It was heart breaking. Due to all of the excitment, i was not allowed to touch him or even be in his line of sight. Luckily for us, Brodie has been sailing through his recovery so far, so they decided to release him back into our room. Once all of the Arterial lines and drainage tube were removed they let me hold him. Immediatly he drank 5.5oz and passed out for a few hours. I guess mama is the best medicine after all. Since being released at 2:30 Brodie has done great, he has slept about 90% of the time and Joe and I just keep taking turns rocking him. He is in alot of pain, but is tolorating it as much as he can.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
The Tin Man
Little Brodie is out of surgery and recovering in CICU. Surgery went well, they sucessfully connected the blue blood veins to the lungs, they also closed off a vaulve that was leaking. Right now he is still heavily medicated for pain, but not for sedation. He still is on the ventilator, but that might come out tonight. He also has a pace maker connected right now because his heart is not beating fast enough on it's own. However they don't expect him to stay on the pace maker. All and all the doctors are pleased and his color looks really good.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
One Down
This morning we arrived at A.I. at 8:00am, unfortunitly when we got here we found out that Brodie's first surgery had been pushed back a few hours. So Joe kept him enterained by racing round 2B with one of the nurses chairs.
Surgery lasted about two hours, everthing went really well. They let me hold him while he came out of anesthesia. Tomorrow we go in for the big surgery at 8:00am

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