We made it down to Miami safe and sound, the boys traveled great. The trip down took us a total of 40 hours with one stop at a hotel for some sleep and showers. We only had one scare at the very beginning of our trip, at first I was hauling the u-haul. The trailer sat way too low and was too heavy for my Jeep. As soon as I got the Jeep up to 60MPH the trailer started to swerve and it threw my Jeep over three lanes on 95. I don't know how we made it with out a scratch because once my car came to a stop I was completely sideways on the freeway. Both boys slept through the whole thing. I am certain that we had someone watching over us for that. The rest of the trip was very uneventful, Joe and I switched trailers and we just took our time. Once we got down here we started unpacking, Brodie got a big boy bed, we had Thanksgivings at my parents, and we've spent a little time at the beach.

Brodie got to pick out everything for his bed and bathroom. He has also finally moved out of our bed and slept in his own room since we have been down here

The bond between these two is so special, Brodie calls him his best friend

The loves of my life

Brodie is loving winter in Miami

Luke snuggling with Poppy

Brodie has also mastered his big boy bike. It's amazing how fast he pedals

Every Monday night these food trucks line the downtown circle.

My favorite food truck, this guy turned an old fire truck in to a kitchen on wheels

Brick oven pizza

We bring a picnic blanket to eat

And Brodie entertains us by dancing to all the music

This is a video of Brodie riding his horse Phantric