Hi everyone, sorry for the lack of posting lately. We haven't gotten our Internet set up yet. luckily I am at Cheyennes visiting, so I am taking the time to catch up on the blog. So here is what we have been up to.
Our last night in Florida, we went to the circus with Scott and Britt

Me, Brodie and Britt

The act in the circus were amazing

The elephants were Brodie's favorite

then my mom and I loaded up the car and drove to Arkansas

The day after we got to Hot Spring, Grandma Suzy, Aunt Jackie, Chey, Andy, Lilly, Suzanna, Courtney, and Gram came to visit

The kids loved throwing rocks in the the lake

Grandma Suzy, Suzanna, Lilly, Brodie and Aunt Jackie

Me and Chey

The third day that we were in Hot springs, we got a huge storm and were snowed in for three days. My mom missed her flight and got to stay for an extra day

Snow angels

Once the snow melted, we took Brodie Bowling for the first time

He loved it

And finally yesterday, we drove up to Fayetteville to visit Chey and the rest of the family before they had to go back to California

Two little monkeys jumping on a bed

Graham and Brodie taking a bath