Well, they say that cats have nine lives; and after Tink's nine day adventure I am a believer. Two days before Thanksgiving, our cat Tink decided to climb a tree. Once she got up there, she realized that she couldn't get down and started screaming for help. The tree was about a quarter mile from our house and we could hear her loud and clear. The forecast was calling for snow so we figured she will get cold and climb down. She didn't. We gave her one more night of an ice storm and still she stayed up there crying for help. That's when I called the fire department. They came with their ladders and instead of coming down, she went higher, until she was out of their reach. The next day was Thanksgiving so we couldn't get anyone to come get her. On the fifth day of Tink's adventure we called a tree trimming service to come with their big bucket truck. Once again she went higher until she was out of their reach too. Finally Dec. 1 came (which was our moving date for Miami.) Joe had to leave for Florida and the kids and I stayed behind to resolve the Tink predicament. After the eighth night I had given up hope that she would come down and started planning for the worst. Then on day nine I noticed a small crowd around the tree, I went up to see what was going on when a guy told me his brother was on his way to climb the tree. The nice guy was working on a neighbors house and had been listening to Tink cry for a week. His brother had just returned from Afghanistan and supposed to be able to climb anything. The marine came out, was up our tree in a flash and then repelled down with Tink in his arms. To my surprise Tink was given a clean bill of Health and the boys, Max, Tink and I headed down to Miami, four days late.
Tink hanging on to the branch
Attempt #1 with the fire dept
Attempt #2 with the tree service
and finally this wonderful crazy guy, who apparently had no problem with heights
Tink is on his lap
For Christmas we thought we should get Tink a tree that she could live in. She seems quite happy with it.