The day before, he was such a trooper during all the tests.
Hi everyone, well I thought this would be the easiest way to keep everyone updated. Especially you mom, now you can check this whenever you want and you wont feel like your missing a thing.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Back in the hospital
Well, unfortunately we have found ourselves back in AI DuPont. On Monday the 16th I received a call from Dr. Goudy, Brodies cardiologist. They were reviewing an echo that Brodie had just had in one of his outpatient check ups. They were concerned with some of the measurements. They asked us to come in for a follow up ECHO. Unfortunately the area they needed to see was at an impossible angle, so they scheduled us for a CT SCAN the following day. So yesterday at 9:00 AM we arrived to have our scan. The scan revealed that the Aorta was severely pinched in one area creating a massive amount of pressure on his left and only ventricle. This could easily cause a heart attack from something as simple as crying. The narrowing was a result of complications from his previous surgery. They scheduled us for surgery first thing this morning and had to go back in and open up and patch that area. Brodie was in surgery from 8:45am to 1:30pm. When he came out we were able to see him for just a few minutes while they were trying to admit him into CICU. Once he was settled in we were able to spend much more time with him. He looks like he handled everything very well. I think that he looks much better than he did after his last surgery. After Joe and I ate dinner we got to go back and see him again. They let him wake up, and are only keeping him under light sedation. His eyes are open and he recognized Joe and me immediately. He is still fully hooked up to pain meds so he shouldn't be in any kind of pain, however he does look somewhat uncomfortable because of all the wires and tubes.

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