Friday, February 20, 2009

Big boy

For the last two weeks our little guy has been taking some mighty big steps. All of a sudden he wants to try to stand up all the time, he has also started eating baby foods. He wouldn't eat the rice cereals, so the doctor said that we could try stage one foods. Carrots are by far his favorite. We also got him a doorway swing, which is way too big for him(he still only weighs 9lbs 11oz.) but he likes it anyway.

1 comment:

  1. hey jamie! thanks for commenting! how did you find our blog?

    brodie is so cute! i saw that he was in the ICU. good to see that he's doing well. and you, too. motherhood is HARD, but better than anything else! it's so rewarding.

    thanks for taking the time to say hi!
