Monday, March 28, 2011

Ligers Roar

Earlier this week Brodie and I drove up to Fayetteville to visit Cheyenne and her kids. We had a great time playing with them, thank you Chey. While we were up there we took the kids to a Big Cat Rescue. The place was huge and they had over 120 big cats there. All the kids were really excited about going, and they were not disappointed. They got to see Lions, Tigers, Ligers, Panthers, Bob Cats, a Coyote and a Bear.
This Lion was so funny sleeping, I had to watch him for a while to make sure that he was still breathing. He didn't care how loud the kids were, he wasn't waking up for anything These were my favorite, Ligers. They are absolutely massive, much larger than Lions
Brodie and Andy trying to wake up the lazy Lion
Brodie and Lilly, I think she would have just hugged Brodie the whole time we were there if Brodie had let her
All of the animals at this place looked very well taken care of, and almost all of them were sleeping


  1. We did have lots of fun together. Thanks for making the trip up. It was great to see you and Brodie again.

  2. I'm you cousins got together again. What a different place that is!!!!!!!! They sadly look bored but healthy. Please check out my profile on facebook, the video about LOVE is about lions. It will warm the cockles of your heart. Love you & miss you. Jackie, me Tim & Patti had a wonderful time in Kauwaii. Lots of sun, oceans & whales!!!!!!!!! Grandma Suzy
