We have had so much fun the last three days, Trinity, Kyle and Owen flew into Baltimore for a visit. Kyle was busy all day at the horse sale, so me, Brodie, Trin, and Owen played all day. The boys had a blast and it was so nice to have my best friend here for a little while. I have to say that for two year olds, I think they got along better that we could have ever hoped for. It looks like they may be following in mine and Trinity's footsteps.
Brodie and Owen

One of the many conversations that they had.
Owen: My nickname is Frosty, Brodie whats your nickname?
Brodie: Uummm... Bro-Bro. Baby Gabi calls me Bro-bro.
Owen: Okay Bro-Bro.

At the aquarium

On day two we took the boys to tour and old battle ship. It looked more like a pirate ship and the boys argued over who the boat belonged to.

It took both of them to try and turn the wheel

Down stairs in the cannon room

The boys were having so much fun running around the boat

pretending to sleep in the soldiers hammocks

Don't they just look like they could get into a lot of trouble

Before we left the ship the boys got to ring the bell a couple of times

And of course they had to pretend to shoot the cannon at Captain Hook

Day three was Trins birthday and we took the boys down to Fells point

And then we took a water taxi back to the Inner Harbor

Trin and the boys on the water taxi

Me and Brodie

Trin and Owen

Once we got back to the Harbor we went to Cheesecake Factory and got a slice of cake for Trins birthday, the boys blew out the candle for her

Thank you so much for coming out Trin. We had so much fun with you and Owen.

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