Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lots of Changes

I can always tell when a week or so has passed by without updating, because I start getting e-mails reminding me to update. So here it is, for starters it is officially cold here now, so we had to pack up all of our summer stuff to make room for winter gear. We also had to take all of the baby things that Brodie has outgrown into storage. And let me tell you, this kid has a lot of stuff. We also have gotten more serious about buying a house and I am pretty sure that we have found one we like. And last but not least Delaware park ended, so now we are back to long days of traveling back and forth to Laurel park and Philly. Brodie also had a appointment with his Cardiologist and they have pushed back his final surgery until spring, so this year we can just sit back and enjoy the holidays.
Brodie's stuff filled up the whole jeep
Trying to stay warm at the storage unit
Fall on the east coast is my favorite time of the year, so we went for a bike ride before those get put away for the winter

Brodie is really into giving Hi-fives

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